Welcome to my blog regarding divorce transitions! WINGS stands for Women In Need of God's Services. In times of uncertainty during divorce transitions, women need God more than ever.

Isaiah 40:31:

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with WINGS like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Welcome and God Bless.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Cry for Help

I entitled this "A Cry for Help" because of my son. I don't think that we realize sometimes what parental fighting and arguing does to children. When I think of an event where my husband and I were fighting (in front of my son), it makes me sick to my stomach to know how deeply he felt each hurtful word that we spoke to one another- not to him, but to one another. He felt it- so deeply. As I recall slamming the door behind me, angry for no real reason, but trying to make a point, I remember looking at my son's face and the sound of such pain escaping from his body. It is a cry that I will never forget. What are we doing to our children? It is a cry for help. He cried in such pain , in such fear that his mother and father would break up, that we didn't love each other, and  that we would divorce. What a burden to lay upon a child! I saw it in his face, in his tears, and in his essence. He wanted to feel that his parents would be there for each other, but also for him. He was right to question it. We had not shown each other the love and support that we should have. We fought everyday about trivial things. But, how God shows us our errors,our flaws and our mistakes is so profound! I saw the tears of my child, and thought I had to change my way of expressing my feelings to my husband. I loved him, I was just angry because I needed help around the house, and I felt unappreciated. Yet I really wasn't angry at him. One word led to another word, and left my SON in tears. How selfish of me to put my needs over my son! That is what happens! Children are caught in between the fighting and bickering. They are crying, not just for us to stop fighting, but for help. Help to stop the pain, help to stop the fear and to continue loving one another as God has intended for us to. Something to think about....

God Bless

Friday, May 27, 2011

Finances and Divorce

As I promised, I am looking at different holistic issues of divorce each week. Although I know I am a little off schedule,  I found this article that I think you will find interesting. Let me know what you think. I believe that as we see economical crises increase in America, those women who have relied on their husband's for health insurance, and now find themselves in divorce, will undergo great health casualties if they do not find insurance of their own.

Free at Last? Now what?

I have had so many friends and family who have gotten divorces and the first thing they wonder is, "what's next?" It has got to be hard to pick up the pieces after divorce. As I have said before, I wondered how divorce would impact my life. However there are many women who feel a sense of freedom, and liberation from whatever hardships that may have developed within the marriage. But what happens socially after the division?

Some say that their social life becomes more exciting. When you think about it, being single again may have its advantages. For one, and I think this is the most significant one for most  newly divorced women, you get to date again. Now that can be troublesome for those who have been out of the dating scene for a while. I certainly wouldn't know what to do on a date these days! However, for those that conquer this fear, congrats!

Now, there are those girlfriend weekend getaways that always seem to help! Hopefully, you never stopped having those weekends when you were married! Girlfriends can be  major assets when going through difficult times.

But what about church and mutual friends of you and your former spouse? What happens to those relationships? I could imagine it would be difficult to say the least to continue in a congregation that has always known you as husband and wife, and now has to adapt to the division. Do you switch churches? Does he switch? Also, what happens to the parts of his family that you were once close to? How do you break those bonds, or do you, should you? Mutual friends may also find it difficult to socialize with one or the other ex-spouse. How do you  handle the change in relationships?

For some women, these are questions that they have to answer after divorce. How would you, or did you handle these questions? What would be your advice to those who may be facing some of these same dilemmas?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Are you sick of marriage or is marriage making you sick?

Each week I will try and post information, articles, studies etc. that I find that are interesting, and share them with you regarding the five holistic variables that can change a marriage. Today, I found this article about "Chronic Illness and Marriage", and I want to hear your thoughts about the subject. Let me know what you think. Please follow the link : http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art2292.asp.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You CAN do this!

 I know that someone out there has been like me, troubled and thinking to themselves, "I can't do this!" I am here to say that you can! I know at times you may feel alone, burdened and that no one understands. I am here to say that HE does. Despite what you may think, God does know our every thought, pain, and desire. He understands us when we don't understand ourselves. He hears us when the pain is so bad you can hardly speak to breathe a word of prayer. He knows. He cares.

I did not want this to be strictly a Christian website, but I feel that I can't reach out to you without you understanding what His goodness and mercy has done for me. I have been in a place where I never thought I would be in my marriage. It was if someone else was living the life, and I was watching it on television.
It was then that He heard me, and although I almost gave up, He never gave up on me. 

I say this to say that you CAN get through the pain! Whatever the outcome, know that God is with you. He said that He will never leave us nor forsake us! What a beautiful thought. Please take time to say a quick prayer. If nothing else just call his name- JESUS! There is power in HIS name! I pray healing into your hearts. I pray peace right now in your life. I pray certainty and completeness comes to you in whatever manner you may need it, be it financial or more personal. God can heal! I pray that He steps into your situation, and frees you from the issues of your life, so that you may LIVE a happy and prosperous life! This is my prayer for you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day Testimony

My testimony is multi-faceted in that it began when I was young and manifested itself throughout my life. My entire life has been a testimony to the goodness and mercy of the Lord. But to give a greater understanding of who I am, and how the Lord has touched me, I will only give one example. Throughout my posts I pray that you will get to see how God kept me even when I could not see the way. I give you this first example.
My mother became ill after a short visit from my home-town. I had always taken her for granted, and I never knew how much her love and support meant to me, until she was gone. However, she had just come to town to help me move into my new home that my husband and I had bought. Although we had little money saved, and poor spending habits, the Lord allowed us to purchase a home.
My mother, who had remained unmarried and lived alone, was visiting shortly after she had retired from a factory that she worked at for years. She became sick, and being a nurse, I noticed that she had not been eating, or doing the things that she would normally do-like get up at five a.m., cook breakfast, clean etc. When I questioned her about how she felt, she would simply state, “I’ll see my doctor when I get home.” However, she never made it home. She became worse and complained o f stomach pain and nausea and vomiting. So, I proceeded to examine my mother after great reluctance on her part. The right side of her stomach was hard to the touch, and tender. She was in a lot of pain. I had to insist that she go to the emergency room.
After much testing, my mother was diagnosed with gallstones and a ruptured gallbladder, and was scheduled for surgery the next day. The next day my mother went down for surgery with my sister and myself at her bedside.  My mother had not been in surgery an hour before two physicians came back in the room with an ominous look upon their face. I knew that something was wrong. They told us that they had to open and close her on the surgical table due to finding cancer throughout her body.
The pain that struck my soul was unimaginable. I was so distraught and I did not know what hit me. I felt lost, angry and confused. This was my mother after all. Someone who had always been there for me whether or not I understood her intentions, they were always to protect and console me. Now I would have to take the time to console her.
The physicians left us with the grave task of informing our mother that she had cancer, and that ultimately she was going to die. What a day! I will always believe that my mother knew about the cancer, and that was a part of her eagerness to get back home. But if she’d only told me… if she had confided in me like I had her so many times before, maybe then she would have had a chance to live more than the few months that she did.
My mother died and she died at my home with me and my children there to love and support her. I thank God for this happening the way that it did. If my mother had gone home, I would not have gotten to take care of her the way that I did. My children would not have gotten a chance to see her every day. She would have just faded away.
God allowed things to happen the way that it did, so that I may take care of my mother. He has always orchestrated how my life should go. I know that He is in charge. I thank Him for even the heartaches and pain, because I know He is trying to show me something.  He has been my ultimate teacher, parent, and lover of my soul. God has been here for me in ways that my husband could not, when my husband could not. When life stood still with the moment I lost my mother, my world changed. I would no longer view my life in the same manner again. Spirituality, seemed nonexistent. I grew cold, unfeeling, and it affected my marriage in every way. I lost my reason to feel-my mother.
I believe it was at this time, God decided to step in to show me that He was my all and all. If I lost my husband, if I lost my home, my children, my mother and father- He was still there. It is amazing, in writing those words- I just realized at some point, to a certain degree- I had lost all of those things! Yet, God still remains! Be encouraged, that whatever you are going through, no matter how bad it seems- God is constant, He is forever, He is always! You may think you have no more energy to endure, but God says that you can! He says you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you! Believe that, and everything will begin to change for you!  I pray that peace and mercy be given unto you that you may know God’s love the way that I know His love. Happy Mother’s Day and God Bless!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Listen to this playlist: intuitive1's Playlist

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Am I the only one?

I am beginning to think that I am delusional and that no woman is out there that has experienced the effects of divorce in their health and home. Am I right? Am I the only person who sees this as a potential problem for women?

I really don't think so. I found out this past week that my husband's cousin is divorcing from her husband. The home is for sale, and she is now raising her 4 children on her own. This change has to affect her. She hasn't been attending church as regular, she has been working a lot, and just the stress of these things alone has to be difficult. So you tell me.... am I the only one that sees this as a problem? If you have ever felt alone in your life and it has affected your marriage, we can help each other make it through. Women should reach out to each other and support one another. You are NOT alone. See how divorce has impacted the health of others. Take a look at this video and tell me what you think.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Resources for you

Just wanted to quickly share with you a resource that I have found helpful to overcome some of the challenges of day to day marriage. These resources are found in the marriagetoday.com website, and are free of charge based on certain criteria. However, they have been great tools to open up a dialogue between my husband and myself about our marriage. These files are pdf files and are downloadable for you and your spouse to utilize during your discussion. I really suggest you take a moment and look at some of them if you can. Go to their website and there are many more resources available as well.You can work on it, even if your spouse is unable to do so at this time. Please leave a comment regarding the resources that I list from time to time, and let me know if they seem to help, or if you know of resources, please add a comment so that you may help someone else. Thanks so much!
 Here is a video for you to see how their ministry can help you. If you can not download it from the link. Sign up, and get a password to login to their resources:


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Words of Inspiration

When I become discouraged in life or with my marriage, I always turn to the Bible for words of inspiration. As I said before, for those who do not believe the way I do that is fine. I am not trying to convert you to any Christian belief, however, if you find peace in the words that I am going to share with you, know that it is only God that has provided me with the words.

In the Bible, 2Kings 13:4 states, " Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage." Honor is defined by Webster as "one whose worth brings respect or fame." We know that we should respect each other in marriage. Unfortunately,  it is not always that easy. I just have to remember that marriage is a lot of work! It is not one sided, and it is really hard to always be honorable in marriage.

Just this morning, I acted dishonorably towards my husband and I immediately corrected my mistake. I have a tendency to say things before I think, and I am working on that. We actually were discussing finances and I was quick to jump and say something negative towards my husband. He was quick to shut down, and then I realized that I had acted dishonorably towards him.

How often do we get angry about something, and just blurt it out without thinking? Well, I had to let him know that I was wrong. My husband is a good man, and it took me a while to see the goodness in him because I was so concentrated on myself and what I felt he had done to me.

Remember me talking in the previous post about self? Well, self got in the way again. I was thinking only of my thoughts and concerns, not thinking of how my words would affect my husband. Self, I believe, is the largest contributor to the end of marriages. It leads to selfishness, which denotes someone only thinking of themselves and not others. 

It is my opinion that  our SELF- Silly Egos Lacking Forgiveness- causes us to act in ways that we wouldn't normally if we could just get SELF out of the way. How much more peaceful would our lives be with our spouses if we tried to practice that every day? Putting our spouses first- wow what a concept! However, this is a mutual journey! We can't do it alone. Often times we feel imprisoned by the problems within our marriage, but we are not alone. Let me know what your thoughts are on these words of Inspiration:

Psalm 24:32- "The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged. For the Lord hears the cries of the needy; he does not despise his imprisoned people".

May you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Story

I am a Registered Nurse, and I have practiced nursing for aprroximately 14 years. I have a Master's degree in Adult Health with my concentration being Nursing Education. I am currently working towards my PhD in Human Services.

It has been my work within the community as a Registered Nurse and my own personal experiences with marriage that have led me to research the role of divorce on holistic health. Holistic health simply means affecting a person's health mentally, physically, financially, spiritually, and socially.

I have been married for 15 years now to the father of my three beautiful children. I married young and in college. I can testify how hard it is to stay married today in a world that has lost many of the values that mirror the foundations for marriage. The journey for me, has been turbulent and times, and I honestly have to say that I have contemplated divorce at one time.

The reason for my contemplation is not as important NOW as is my decision to stay and make it work. My husband and I both made mistakes that I can confess , at this time, were partly due to my own selfishness. I have learned a lot about SELF and how it plays in the demise of marriage. I hope you will allow me to share what I have learned with you at some point.

However, my belief in my marriage, my husband and most importantly in God, has led me to strive to strengthen my marriage rather than end it. However, my decision to stay may  not be right for everyone. During the time that I was uncertain, a series of events took place in my life that led me on a journey with God to understand why I was placed in the circumstances that I was in. At the time, I had little money, little savings, I was sick with worry and heartache. I had no "true" home at the time where I could escape my problems, and I had no way of providing enough income to support myself and my three children. I was desolate and socially had no support (or so I thought).

I reached out to family that did not provide me with the nurturing and understanding that I needed to make it through this marital transition. I was hurting and I wanted someone to understand. However, it was God that answered me. It was He that made me realize who I was, what I wanted, and who I could be. It was He that consoled me. It was He that brought my husband and myself back together. It was He that showed me that I now have to help other women get through whatever reality confronts them. Now, I do NOT state that spirituality is the answer for everyone, but it is the answer for ME.  I do not make judgements on anyone elses's situation or their beliefs because I realize how difficult it was for me. Some women stay, some women divorce. It is YOUR decision.

I decided to do research while I was in school to find out exactly how divorce affected women's health. I found out more about myself in the process. I came across family, friends, and client's that were going through marital problems and had  either contemplated divorce or had gone through a divorce. It was unbelievable! The stories of these women often made me wonder what resources were available to women who were going through so much. I wanted to start my own ministry. Although, I did not have money to start a ministry, I do have knowledge and inspiration. However, by NO means will this blog be a forum to tell a woman what she should or should not do in relationship to getting a divorce, nor is it a forum to receive healthcare advice. It is simply one to support women in their decisions and to offer suggestions of how to possibly make those decisions.

 WINGS was the inspiration that came to me in a dream. Women In Need of Gods Service became the basis for  me getting in touch with women who are going through divorce transitions. When I say transitions, I mean the journey of getting to that decision. Some journeys end in divorce, some do not.

 I want this to be a forum for positivity! This forum should allow open discussion about topics surrounding divorce and marriage and have inspirational words of encouragement and  prayer for those who request it.
God Bless.